This Blog will be a jumbled mess of my thoughts and experiences.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Lunch Time

Recently I moved to a new location for my job. It is great; nice new building, 20 minutes closer to home, and soon I will be reunited with my friends. Anyway, there is a Quizno's near here. Now for a long, long time, Subway has been my favorite place to get a sandwich, but they have been slipping lately. They tried to toast their subs, which at first seem like a good idea, but they really aren't that good toasted. Then they got rid of the stamps. Bad move, off to Quizno's I go. Since I had never been to Quizno's, I had a whole new menu to choose from. I get a chance to go there 2-3 times a week, so it didn't take me long to get though the menu. No, I didn't try everything, but I have tried alot. YUM! I definitely have a new favorite sub shop. I even get coupons from their website for free stuff. Here are some of my favorite choices in order:

Chicken Carbonara - It comes with this Bacon Alfredo Sauce, outstanding
Spicy Monterey Club - A four pepper chili sauce, BAM!
Honey Mustard Chicken with Bacon on Italian Ciabatta Bread - Long name to say when ordering, but worth it.

And that's not all, we took Natalie there and got her a kid's meal. What a great deal! She got a small sub, a bag of goldfish (not just the plain ones either, they were multicolored), a cookie (they will even toast the cookie), a soda, and a toy. The toy is actually worth something too. Once she got a deck of animal cards. So the next time you are thinking of a sub, I would just keep driving past the 24,077 subways, give Jared the universal symbol of disapproval, and head to the nearest Quizno's.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being a huge sub fan myself, on the days I don’t Almost Always Bring (my) Lunch, I get a sub.

Subway used to be my favorite, but I agree with the slack factor. Haven’t been there in over a year. Cousins is sort of a sub version of McDonald’s, yet good in a pinch. I agree Quizno’s is toasty and tasty, but the one I work close to downtown is on Wisconsin Ave., the busiest street on lunch, and I prefer not to spend 45 minutes waiting for my food, and then scarfing it down in 15.

However, working in downtown Milwaukee has it’s perks. I get to try a bevy of independent sub shops around town who are trying to beat the chains -- and that they do.

One to try if ever in Milwaukee (and on a budget) is Jimmy John’s. It is actually a chain, but not as popular as the others, although they are trying. There are various locations around the metro-MKE area, they deliver (the sign on the delivery car claims Freaky Fast Service ... their bag and employee t-shirt sayings are just as witty, if not wittier).
Check out their site. The history is funny, and the site is interactive.... share a joke or two:

Another good place if downtown, minus the hip ad campain, is PJ's Original Subs (1749 N. Farwell Ave. Milwaukee.) It’s located in a basement of an apartment building next to a flower shop, and if you don’t look too hard, you’ll easily pass it. Less than half of the shop is seen from the street. Tasty and never too busy, it is a hidden treasure for the thrifty spender in search for satisfying lunch.

Subs are my thang.

11:03 AM, September 02, 2005

Blogger MarkIsces said...

I agree.. subway has gone down hill. I usually get quiz's southwest steak sub. They have one with double the meat. It's hard to finish. But mighty tasty. Most of the time you can get a coupon in the paper for 2.00 off a sub. bringing it down to three-ish.

markisces out.

6:32 PM, September 05, 2005


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