This Blog will be a jumbled mess of my thoughts and experiences.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Birth of a genre

In 1993 a game called DOOM came out. It was the first of it kind; a first-person shooter. It was a pretty fun game. All you had to do was run around and shoot things. What could be more fun? More recently, DOOM 3 came out and grabbed the world with an awesome experience. This supped up version has stunning graphics, a decent story line, and flawless gameplay. With all the video games turning into movies lately, I have asked for a long time why this one hasn't. Well, my wish has come true. That's right! DOOM will be released in theaters on October 21st, starting the Rock and you. "What do you mean, you?", you ask. Well, some of the movie is filmed in first-person. The storyline is based on DOOM 3, and for some of the battles you are right in the action just like the game. However, this time there are no limitation on special effects and let me tell you they are unbelievable. The creatures, zombies, and weapons are very cool. I can't wait for this movie and plan to be first in line to get tickets. Check out the trailer at their website: DOOM Oh, by the way, there is a chainsaw in the movie too.


Blogger MarkIsces said...

Yea the preview looks pretty good. its the kind of movie that is gonna make you spill your popcorn. ok, yea thats just me.

markisces out.

6:36 PM, September 05, 2005


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