This Blog will be a jumbled mess of my thoughts and experiences.

Thursday, December 22, 2005


Be warned, you should stop reading if you want to continue to believe that there is something mystical about it. Yep, its true. When you experience Deja-vu, it is not because you experienced it in a former life or that you have some kind of physic power, it is just from stress. When you see something, (or hear, smell, or taste for that matter), a lot of information is passed from the eye to the brain. For example the size, color, shape, movement, etc of the object. Each piece of this information must travel to different parts of the brain. Sometimes, when your brain is mentally stressed, meaning you think about too many different things during the day, one piece of information may arrive later than the others. This difference in time, even though it is nano-seconds, triggers a familiarity response from the brain. This make it seem like "You've been here before", because, in fact, you have been; a nano-second ago. The mystical feel of it come from the fact the the first pieces of the information that arrived on time was missing one or more pieces. So when your brain tries to recall the previous nano-second, it can't exactly make out what you saw. This gives you the feeling that it must have happened a long time ago because the same effect happens to real memories over time. You start to forget pieces of information. Kind of takes the fun out of it, don't you think?


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