This Blog will be a jumbled mess of my thoughts and experiences.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Obscure facts

Here is a list of some interesting facts. Five of them are true and two of them are fake. Can you guess which ones are made up?

1. The "Daddy-longlegs" spider has the most potent venom of any spider. Their fangs however are so short, they cannot pierce human skin. This makes them a harmless spider to us.

2. The largest, most powerful cat in the world is called a Liger. It is an un-natural cross breed between a male Lion and a female Tiger. Normally, the tiger has a gene that tells the body to stop growing. This gene is passed from the male. When these two animals were bred, the offspring did not have this gene and the Liger continued to grow larger and larger. It currently is the size of a horse.

3. The Earth absorbs sunlight causing it to maintain a global temperature. Currently the Earth reflects 29% of the sunlight. If we painted the roof of every house and building white, we could increase the Earths reflectivity by 1%. This would cause the global temperature to decrease by 1 degree C.

4. Ginger has been clinically demonstrated to work twice as well as Dramamine for fighting motion sickness, with no side effects.

5. Our moon is slowly moving away from our planet due to centrifugal force, and will eventually be gone.

6. Swimming under 24 inches of water provides more protection from a gun than a bullet proof vest. In fact, the more powerful the gun, the safer you are. When a gun is fired the bullet is traveling super fast, however, once it hits the water the change in velocity is so great, it causes the bullet to disintegrate. The more powerful the gun the bigger change in velocity the faster the bullet is destroyed.

7. A world record was set by the first man to climb to tallest mountain in the world. This record continues to be broken because Mt. Everest grows by about 1 inch every year.


Blogger whitesky4 said...

I think 2 & 6 are false.

8:50 PM, December 20, 2005


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