This Blog will be a jumbled mess of my thoughts and experiences.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Wrong Lane?

I was at one of those wholesale stores where you need a membership to get in. I wasn't in any hurry, so I took my time walking down almost every isle. I wandered around looking to see if I needed a plasma tv, a human size replica of a banana, or 50 gallons of mayonnaise. I thought about the mayonnaise for a while and then decided to just get the dvd I came for. I got to the front of the store and checked out the lanes. There where two lanes open. One had 3 people in it with very full carts and the other had only 2 people. So I took the obvious choice and got in the shorter lane. Had I been in a hurry, this would have been a bad choice, but since I wasn't, I enjoyed the show. The first lady, who was kind of older, started to unload her stuff onto the conveyor belt. It was her turn to check out, so the guy asked her for her card. No response. Ok, so maybe she is hard of hearing. In a bit louder voice, he asked her for her card again. She just continued to put her stuff on the conveyor, not noticing that he wasn't scanning any items in yet. The guy looked at the rest of us in line and just smiled. We all waited until every item was out of her cart and neatly placed on the conveyor. She looked up at the guy and handed him her card as if nothing happened. He proceeded to scan in all her items. Great, finally she was done and the next couple in line walked up. This happened to be another older couple. Now, you would think that after witnessing the drama that just occurred, the next lady would have her card all ready to hand to the guy. But no, she had all her stuff already on the conveyor and just waited for the guy to start scanning. He asked her for her card. "Oh yeah", she said. She opened her purse and pulled out the biggest wallet I have ever seen. I mean, this thing was huge! She started rummaging through it. "Now where did I put that?" I almost burst out laughing right there; as did the checkout guy. She spent a couple minutes looking and then turned to her husband, who had this blank stare on his face. Clearly he was used to this. She told him to just use his card. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his card right away. It wasn't in his wallet, just sitting in his pocket. "There's my card", she said pointing to the card he just pulled out. By this time I had to turn around to stop myself from laughing. They eventually got it all scanned in and paid for. Sometimes the wrong lane can just be the right thing to lighten up a day.


Blogger Rebecca said...

Ok, you shouldn't have given me your blog address---don't you know I'm addicted to reading these things???

Anyways, congratulations on baby Gloria. What a beautiful name. We'll have to get together sometime when we're in town. Who knows, maybe we'll finally make it to Winona someday.

6:23 PM, September 27, 2005


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