This Blog will be a jumbled mess of my thoughts and experiences.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Christmas music?

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. I was hoping for a funny family story to share, but it turns out that nothing really blogable happened. However, I do have a Christmas story anyway. On Christmas Eve we went to the mall for some last minute shopping. I know what you are thinking, but it was in fact my sister that needed to shop, I was just along for the ride. Well, we were sanding in front of a store and these two old guys come walking in. One of them had an accordion and the other had a bass (not a guitar either, the full 6 foot bass). Anyway, they quickly found a spot to perch and started playing. I think they were trying to play some kind of a Christmas song, but I couldn't really make it out. They we very, very bad. In fact, I think that they we playing different songs. It only took about 3 minutes before mall security showed up. I couldn't hear what they were saying but, I was sure they we getting kicked out. The two security guards started to turn the "musicians" toward the door. Then the bass player guy, grabbed then end of his bass and lifted it over his head, like he was going to hit one of the guards. It was funny enough to see him try and lift that thing, but then he fell over backwards because it was too heavy. Even his buddy was laughing. A few minutes later, the bass player was in cuffs, his friend was gone, and the bass was still a shattered mess on the floor. Now that is what I call a Christmas show.


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