This Blog will be a jumbled mess of my thoughts and experiences.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Fashion Statement

Well, this weekend was a bit rainy, but we really wanted to get out of the house since it had been raining for days already. I went on-line and looked up the location of another letterbox. This one was located about 2.5 miles from any parking spot, but we had all day so I thought why not. It was just misting and was somewhat warm. So we pack everyone up in the car with the stroller, and some water and snacks. Just as we we leaving, it started to rain just a bit. So we stopped at the local gas station and picked up a couple small plastic bags. Amy thought it would help keep Natalie's legs dry as the cover for the stroller was not large enough to cover her legs. So she tied them together and turn them into some pants. I know, what you are thinking, but let me finish. We started our hike through the rain and cold (it was cold now). We walked and walked until we came to the ninth bridge where the letterbox was hiding. We looked under the bridge and found.....Nothing. We checked again and still found nothing. We knew this was the right bridge as it is not hard to count to 9 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, and then 9). Some Muggle must have gotten it and didn't know what to do. So we headed back for another 2.5 mile hike. After a total of about 3 hours we made it back completely soaked. Except for one thing that is, Natalie's legs. That's right, the custom plastic sheeting worked perfectly. If you are interested, these disposable waterproof pants are now available from Aabyl's Blog. They come in a variety of colors like White, Green, or Yellow and come with almost any logo you would like. Have a favorite gas station or grocery store, we can do that, just send in $19.95 for a pair today!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Smell of Sulfer in the Morning

Ah yes, the snow is gone the temperature is up, what else is there to think about besides fireworks. It is that time of the year that I start planning my fireworks show for the 4th of July. I like to do a couple shows, one smaller show at my house with just fountains and wheels and then a larger show with aerials and things that leave large craters in the ground. I've been looking for ways to modify the fountains and smaller fireworks to automate the show rather than lighting each piece separately. Remember that maze I built out of PVP pipe? Well, now I have another use for all those pipes. I am going to build a small house like structure out of these pipes. Then, I will take some extra green fuse and tether all the fountains together strapping them all over this house. If it works, I will be able to just ignite one fuse and sit back and watch as my giant fireworks house fountain give us a good show. Yeah, it will probably just blow up, but that will be neat to watch too. Stay tuned for pictures of the giant fireworks house fountain. (yes, I need to figure out a name for it....)

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

More bathroom humor

You know that commercial for Sprint that has been on lately? It is the one they are advertising the 7pm nights starting time. A guys walks into the sprint store and says, "Hey 7pm, that is great! You guys should be making a big deal about it". The Sprint guy calls over to the corner where another employee is sitting in the corner. The 2nd guy stands up and sings as if he was at an Opera, "Seven P, Eeeeeeeeeeeeem". Well, I think my daughter has been watching too much TV. We went out to eat at my favorite restaurant, (Not Quiznoes), and as we were waiting for our food, she said she had to go to the bathroom. So we got up and I took her over to the men's room so she could go. We entered and B-lined it right toward one of the stalls. She sits on the toilet and all of a sudden starts singing "7 P, eeeeeem". Over and over. And yes, there were other people in the bathroom. I couldn't tell her to stop because all my energy was being put toward not laughing. To make matters worse, this bathroom had an exceptionally good echo effect, which only encouraged her.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Throne Room

It is a sad day here. Today I realized the full effects of living with three women. I sat down on my throne today to do my usual business. I pinched my loaf and reached over for the charmin. But what do I find? What is this? It was not my soft double roll, but a new kind of TP. I grabbed the roll and started winding some off as the little hearts printed on the paper made a path to this cute little puppy. That's what I said, there was a cute little puppy printed on the paper I use to wipe my ass. The last secured room in the house has surcome to the force of females and transformed into a women's bathroom. I'll have to gets some pine scented spary or something.