This Blog will be a jumbled mess of my thoughts and experiences.

Thursday, March 02, 2006


So there I am sitting on the floor hoping little people around playing zoo with my daughter. I thought, you know, I can't wait until she is old enough to play with legos. Then I decided that she is probably old enough. I took a trip over to the local toy store and went over to the lego section. I thought it would be fun to get a huge set with lots of pieces and build this massive thing. Well the biggest set they had was this airport thing with about 1500 pieces. What sucked though, was it didn't build one big thing; it built a bunch of little stuff. There was a plane, a couple cars, a couple building, etc. So I started looking around at other things. Then I saw K'NEX. There was amusement park rides that you could build, like a pirate ship, tubing, rollercoster, and more. Plus these things actually did stuff. Once you built the coaster you could turn it on and watch them go. I saw a tube ride called that had about 800 pieces and stood three feet tall! Turns out that both Natalie and I like building with it. Pretty cool. There website is under my links section.


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