This Blog will be a jumbled mess of my thoughts and experiences.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Run Brooke Run

Wow, only the fourth show and Jeff has mixed up the teams. I think he was starting to feel sorry for Steph too for loosing and he thought another new team would help. Nope, she is cursed to be on the loosing team. At least she is not a quitter and stays in high spirits. I wonder if they are going to mix the team twice this season since they have done it so early?

So now Danni and Gary are on the same team. He must have turned green when that happened. How long is everyone else going to believe that he was not a quarterback? Speaking of Danni, I think they understated that she is in need of nourishment. She is not going to be able to make it at the rate she is deteriorating.

I think I have picked a favorite for this season; Steph doesn't count, she is already my favorite from last season. It would have to be Judd. Pretty funny guy. I hope at least he make it farther than Mr. Smiley Brian.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My money is on Brandon. He can handle the challenges, works, and so far seems to keep quiet, acts healthy and doesn't complain; all of which work in his favor. He seems to be liked, although he stays under the radar. If he can keep this up, his odds are great!

11:58 AM, October 08, 2005


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