This Blog will be a jumbled mess of my thoughts and experiences.

Monday, January 30, 2006

It's a banana!

Yesterday morning the fam had a nice big breakfast. Natalie, however, decided that she didn't want to eat much. So ok, fine, you can't make her eat. We had a 4 hour drive ahead of us and it was already 11:30. We got in the car and headed out. Well about an hour into the drive, guess who got hungry. In only took about 15 minutes of complaining until we stopped to get her something. We saw a Culvers and thought it would be a nice place to stop. We went in and she wanted a hot dog. We got a hot dog and a large soda. (Mom was thirsty too). Natalie wolfed down the hot dog like nothing, so we though we would get her something else too. I knew that Culvers sold Banana Splits, so I thought I would just get her a banana. I walked up to the counter and ask the lady if I could order just a banana. She said, "A banana what?". I said again, just a banana. She looked at me like I was nuts and then looked over her preprogrammed register for the banana only button. After she couldn't find it, she told me she would have to check. She brought back another lady and I asked that lady if I could order a banana. The new lady said, "A banana what?". I said again, J-u-s-t a b-a-n-a-n-a. She said, oh, Let me me check. Then the two of them got a third lady to come over and I asked her, "Can I just get a banana?" "Um, we have no way of doing that". So in the end, I had no banana. Apparently a keeping a customer is less important than a banana at Culvers.


Blogger whitesky4 said...

So did you try ordering a banana split, hold the ice cream, hold the toppings, hold the whipped cream? That will be $2.98 please. I would just give you the banana, if they saw cute little Natalie there saying, please I want a banana!

10:28 PM, January 31, 2006

Blogger MarkIsces said...

Seriously... Things are not that difficult. This is what happens when stores hire 16 year olds who can't pee without asking for permission. Companies are more interested in costs, they are cutting employee training. This was too funny. I giggled for hours thinking of you standing there and asking for a banana. Funny...

6:34 AM, February 09, 2006


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