This Blog will be a jumbled mess of my thoughts and experiences.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Closet Menace

We were finally ready, the color was picked out, the design drawn, the parts picked out, and the kids at the Grandma's for the weekend. Perfect time to redo the closet. We took out all the clothes and piled them up wherever we could find a space. Then I got the hammer out and gutted the closet. Amy started on the primer for the closet, while I went over to the Home Depot to get the paint and custom closet parts. Everything was going as planned until I got to the store. I went over to the flooring department (closet - flooring - ok?) and started looking for the closet unit. It was called the C-12 and it was no where to be found. I wandered around until I found a guy and asked him if they had any. He looked where I did, then said he would check in the back. I waited, and the guy came back out and said they were out and in fact that they we discontinuing them. Crap! I asked him if he could check and see if any other Home depot had some.

He checked the computer and came back and said there was one left in Wisconsin, about 300 miles away. The store he said it was at, was actually only 15 minutes from my Dad's house. I so ok, and left. I quickly called my Dad and had him drive over to pick it up. He got over there and asked them where the C-12s were. They said, "we don't have anymore". So he called me up to tell me this. Oh great I thought, but my Dad stopped my disappointment by telling me that the people at this store said the C-12 was being replaced by the C-26 and it is the exact same unit. Ok, they had three at that store, but we called our store first to see if they had any C-26 units. They said oh yeah, we have 3 of them. So I told my Dad thanks, but we will just get them at our store.

Back to out Home Depot I go. I get to the store and ask them where the C-26s are. "Well", they say, "we can't find them. I have been looking all over my department and don't see them. I know they are somewhere in the store and I am guessing they are in gardening or kitchen. We have had alot of turnover lately and things have been moved around. I got your number and I will give you a call when we find them." Well, there goes the planned weekend. First of all, as a customer I don't really care about your turnover problems. I just want good service and not all this runaround. So we wait about a week with no closet and our clothes all over the house when finally they call back with some news.

"Well, we looked all over the store and can't find them. What we think happened is they tried to put them together as a demo and broke them. But we can order one and it will be here in one week." What could we do, so we had Home Depot order one and we waited another week. The day came that Home Depot said the closet would be in and we gave them a call to make sure. We asked if the C-26 unit was in as we had ordered it last week. They said it had never gotten ordered! What the hell is wrong with these people. They said that they we in the middle of doing inventory and couldn't order anything new. Well, that was all the bull shit we could take, so we called the store manager. We told him the same story you are reading. He said he would take care of it today. He told us that they have trucks coming in everyday from other stores. So all he had to do is call up another store and have them through it on the truck. By the end of that day we had the unit in our hands.

What pisses me off the most is they could have done this weeks ago and we could have had the closet the weekend we had free! Instead we had to go through all this trouble and waiting, and never got a discount or an apology. Just excuses! Well, Home Depot, now the 3 million people who read this blog know what kind of customer service you have.


Blogger MarkIsces said...

Ok, So maybe your 3 readers will not go to home depot... I vow here and now to never buy at home depot. (we have a menards in town...he he) Too funny, I thought this kind of thing only happened to me. ha he he

6:29 AM, February 09, 2006

Blogger Rebecca said...

I'm a fan of Lowe's myself.

5:52 PM, February 10, 2006


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