This Blog will be a jumbled mess of my thoughts and experiences.

Friday, October 14, 2005


"Yea, my girlfriend is like a D cup. Yea, and then she took these birth control pills, and now she's like a double D, man". Wow, Blake, that's great. Glad to know. Yesterday's survivor show was the worst episode I have ever seen. First of all, just listening to this group CBS picked out for the show gives me a headache. The IQ of everyone must have been lowered by too much heat and too little food. Secondly, could they make the show any more obvious? We haven't seen anything of Blake for 4 shows and then all of a sudden they dedicate the show to him. Hum, who is getting kicked off I wonder?

Now, finally Steph gets to win a challenge. I thought that I would be happier, but now I'm just glad I don't have to listen to her whine and pout about being such a loser. Maybe we will get to see her better side again now that they have a win under their belt.

So who is next to go:

Bobby Jon, duh.
Guy smiley, Brian.
Mrs. Elvis Lydia.
Deliverance Brandon.
I like crafts, Rafe.

Take your pick.


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