This Blog will be a jumbled mess of my thoughts and experiences.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


I finally got a chance to figure out what all this fuss about Serenity is. I missed the privilege of seeing firefly on television, but thanks to invention of DVDs, I was able to see it. I have only finished 2 episodes and I am already a huge fan! This show is great! It is one of the more unique shows I have seen in a long time. The show is setup like a Sci-fi Western. The music, laws, costumes, and feel of the movie are all western, but they fly around in space ships. It sounds a little goofy, but it is put together so well, you will love it if you ever get the chance to see it. The main characters are a group of guns for hire/salvage crew. They take what jobs they can, but try to keep a moral stance. The main focus is on these characters and the situations rather than just mindless blasting. The ship they fly is "Firefly" class and the name of it is Serenity; hence the name of the show and movie. There was only one season made of the series and then it was canceled. The geniuses who aired the show really screwed the puch on this one. They didn't air the episodes in order, it was on at odd times, and had poor advertisement. However, even with only one season, it had already formed a huge fan base. These fans pushed for more seasons only to fail again and again. Then, they finally got something out of it, and a movie was created. I am hoping to finish the first season quick, so I can catch the movie while it is still in the theaters. Be sure to visit my picture archive to meet the crew.


Blogger MarkIsces said...

I Told you it was good. We have Hermy's brothr to thank. He got Hermy into it, then passed it to me. I in turn pass the fight of the browncoats to you.

~~You can't take the sky from me~~

3:22 AM, October 27, 2005


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