This Blog will be a jumbled mess of my thoughts and experiences.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Maze Craze

All my life I have loved mazes. I used to draw them as a kid and always wanted to be rich enough to have one of those hedge mazes in my back yard. Not much luck there with the rich part, but living in Wisconsin I do get to go through corn mazes every now and then. Well, I got this idea in my head that I think there might be a way for me to build a maze in my backyard. All I would need is some PVC and blue tarp. I drew up a plan and found out that I would need at least 100 points to make a worthy maze. Well, PVC comes in 10 foot lengths. So if I bought 100 of those and cut them to 6 feet, then I would have a 6 foot maze with 4 feet between each point. Well, I went over to the Home Depot and found out that even though PVC is really cheap, it isn't when you want to buy 1000 feet of it. It was somewhere around $270; and that didn't include the blue tarp. Ok, there goes my dream. But then, I was mowing the lawn yesterday, and saw my Christmas lights still up from the 4th of July. (Yeah, that made sense). Anyway, I know I have at least 400 feet of lights. I could make a maze out of Christmas lights! All I would need is 100 plastic garden stakes. No problem they are super cheap. The downside is they are only 3 feet tall, so for this maze you would be able to see the entire maze. I think it might be ok though since it will be dark and the different color lights may help confuse the average maze walker. What do you all think, am I just crazy? I need some support here before my wife will let me pound out a giant plinko board on our lawn.


Blogger MarkIsces said...

OHHH KAAYY... Yea Pete, uhhh I think you need a hobby. He he...
I hope you don't live anywhere near an airport. Oh, wait, you do.

Well on the bright side, you'll never have to buy tent stakes again.


2:43 AM, October 18, 2005

Blogger ARC said...

That's right I do live near an airport. I should use blinking lights for the maze. An extra level of difficulty! Thanks for the suggestion!

7:39 AM, October 18, 2005


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