This Blog will be a jumbled mess of my thoughts and experiences.

Thursday, October 20, 2005


I had a very detailed and creepy dream last night. I usually dream every night, but this one, for some reason, I remember every detail. Just shows you how much I am waking up during the night:) I've heard that some people dream in black and white, but this one was ever livin' lovin' color. Alot of times I dream in third person, but last night was first person. Anyway, here is my dream:

I was myself and my sister and friend Mark was with me. It was about mid-day and we were walking down a street. We stopped at this bar because they were giving out free shots of vodka. (Yuck, but it sounded good to me in the dream). My sister didn't want one, but Mark and I did so we went in. Mark and my sister sat down, and I got my shot. The bartender ask me what kind I would like. I looked way up at the top of his shelves and got the lemon Grey Goose Vodka. He smirked knowing that I knew what the most expensive was and just choose that for that reason. He was nice about it though and poured me my free shot and gave me a half full glass of some red punch as a chaser. I took the shot and walked over to where Mark and my sister we sitting. It was a high round table for four with bar stools. (I don't recognize the bar, though in my dream I had gone there many times for lunch). We sat there and all of a sudden my sister hurls. This was no ordinary up-chuck, it was pure ketchup. I would say about a half gallon of it spewed out of her onto the floor. Then she stood up and shouted, "my ear"! She grabbed her ear and ran to the restroom. The rest of the bar/restaurant became totally silent and was staring at us. The place was half full, but all I remember was an old guy with glasses, he was eating something with a fork. While my sister was in the bathroom, I walked into the kitchen to get some rags to wipe up the ketchup. The owner caught me heading in to the kitchen. I wasn't sure if he knew me or not. I knew who he was, but he isn't usually there when I come for lunch. So I explained that I needed to get some rags to wipe up the mess. He said ok and told me there was some on the counter. I continued into the kitchen, which was very dark by the way like it was closed, and grabbed two rags. The rags were white with blue stripes on one side. When I came back to the table my sister was there. She was upset, holding a rag on her bleeding ear. I asked what happened. She said, worriedly, that she was at a firing range and someone shot a hand-gun right next to her ear. (My dream suddenly jumped to third person and I was watching the incident happen in slow motion. Just like they do flashbacks in CSI. That must be where that part of the dream came from). Once the flashback was done, I returned to first person. I told my sister that it was normal for that to happen and it will go away. She asked me how long, it had been two months already. I said it will be less and less a problem and go away soon. Then I woke up.

What the hell? I don't know what Mark was doing there, but my advice to my sister is, Don't go to a firing range.


Blogger whitesky4 said...

Good Grief!!!!!How Wierd!

6:38 PM, October 20, 2005

Blogger MarkIsces said...

you could have at least let me drink my shot.. sheesh.

12:25 AM, October 21, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

and nice to know someone else dreams as obscurely and vividly as I do. Mine seem to last forever, and actually have different plots that eventually tie into each other, like Pulp Fiction, as yours seems to have the potential to do ...

Some of these bizarre rememberances mean something, as you would guess ... the ketchup (used for fake blood usually) yet real blood from her ear, the stripes remembered on the towels, the fork and the old man with the glasses (did he look like someone?)..... sometimes it's cool to figure out some of that stuff and see how it ties in with your previous day, something you saw/watched or an association or memory that links a feeling.

My girlfriend is really good at figuring dreams out, so I usually share with her. Paul thinks I'm crazy, especially since I frequently dream about people we knew like 15 years ago... and my dreams are so vivid (as yours is). He has remembered about 2 dreams total in the last 3 years. Me, it's almost every morning.

And if the symbolism isn't phallic or blatantly obvious, I usually have a hard time figuring it out... invest in a dream book!
(hmmm, Christmas is coming....)


10:36 AM, October 21, 2005


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