This Blog will be a jumbled mess of my thoughts and experiences.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Regular Customer

I have been in my new building for some time now and I continue to frequent the local Quiznoes sub shop. I still enjoy the freshly toasted wonder that they produce so my visits per week remain quite high. There is an employee there who has flagged me as a "regular customer". I knew this was inevitable, so I had already prepared myself for it, or so I thought. The past few times I have gone in, she says to me, "Oh hi. The usual today?". To keep myself interested in eating there so often, I make it a point to never have the same sub twice in a row, nor the same sub within the same week. I have found about 5 subs that I enjoy and I rotate through them pretty equally. Now somehow this employee was able to calculate my "usual" apparently using some complex algorithm that it unknown to me, since I don't even know my usual. So I have been kindly replying, "No, I think I'll go with the whatever sub today". I have been wondering if I have said no to my usual but then ordered it anyway. Well, today I felt a little courageous and decided to find out what my usual is. She grabs a white sub, good so far, and then just started piling stuff on. I wasn't really sure what she was making. Then as she placed the sub into the oven, she shouted Cabo Chicken. Hum, I thought. Well, that is interesting; I guess my usual is a sub I have never tried before. It turns out it was pretty good, so I can now add that to my rotation. I wonder what my usual will be tomorrow......


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That sounds like good service to me. I usually find out who the good employees are, and find the companies website, and send a note to the president of the company extolling the virtues of the good employee. It's good karma.

3:37 PM, October 27, 2005

Blogger whitesky4 said...

This is your funniest blog yet! I love it! As I was reading I was wishing you would "go" with the ususal just to find out and I wasn't disappointed. You must try it once again, just to know if you get the same thing or not! Keep us posted :> lol

6:22 PM, October 27, 2005


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