This Blog will be a jumbled mess of my thoughts and experiences.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Im sitting in my living room watching a show on TV just relaxing. Then I see this little shadow appear as it starts to move across the screen. A little boxelder bug was on the TV, yuck. So I get up and grab a Kleenex to squish the intruder. I walk over to the TV only to find out that he is not on the TV, he's in the TV!
That's right, I made the mistake of purchasing a rear projection TV. There is no easy way to open the TV to get them out, so I had to get a little clever. I shut off all the lights in the room and found a little space where the bugs could get in. I turn on a flashlight and just waited. Eventually, the little guy crawled out and met his death. I then got some window screen and duct tape and sealed every vent hole I could find. I went a few more months without anything happening, but from time to time one still seems to find it's way in. I have had boxelders and lady bugs both get in. The lady bugs like to fly around in there and then you can see 3 of them because of the three projection lights. The worst I've had is a spider. I could lure him out and he created a web. Damn. I finally was able to get a length of yarn in the TV and the web stuck to it pretty good. The spider must have died, because I haven't ever seem him again. Today I get to look forward to another bug hunt. It doesn't seem to bother Amy too much, but when I am watching CSI and there is a bug on the screen, I need to know if that is in the show or on my TV. It may be an important clue to the case. Anyway, if anyone would like to purchase a TV, just let me know.


Blogger MarkIsces said...

That just keeps getting funnier and funnier. Funny, I bought a 52", never had a bug. The newer projections seem to have a better sealed environment. Take some pictures of your TV, and send them to "Hockey(at)luminet(dot)net" They are looking I think.

Good luck. he he

12:19 AM, November 03, 2005


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