This Blog will be a jumbled mess of my thoughts and experiences.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Till next time...

Whew, that was a close one. I thought for sure Jamie was going. He was so quite the first part of the game and now all he can do is open his mouth. Judd is suppose to be the obnoxious one. Anyway, I thought the new hidden immunity this is really cool. For a while I though Jamie had it and that is why we felt so safe. I wonder if they will ever find it and who it will be. They are really being rough on this group of survivors. Offering them food or immunity was great. I thought Rafe was going to be sick after eating the food and then realizing that he was on the dark side. Gary saw it to and was using it against him, although in the end, Rafe stayed with his group of evil minions. Ha, ha, ha. I said I wasn't going to watch them, but when the previews came on, I couldn't look away. I wonder if Judd is going to get drunk again or if he is just sick? Hum...


Blogger whitesky4 said...

Oh,What a Night!!! The individual immunity idol was inspired! I am certain someone will find it. I wonder if they are allowed to use it more than once. Probably not, but that could cause a problem, save it, for a more hazardous time and maybe get voted out, or use it for safety and not have needed to. Very interesting! However, Rafe is totally ingorant to express his outrage at his companions, even if completely justified. Never show your hand, duh! He has marked himself as a possible traitor and you know how long they last in this game. I also know that Rafe and Cindy can't stand Jamie, you know he's bad when even Judd has had enough of him, but did they have any moral fortitude, NO. Finally the strategy I was missing up to now, is visible. They go against their nature of fairness and vote out Brandon! My favorite! I'm so angry! Sure he is a strong competitor, quiet, doesn't annoy anyone or complain, works hard and is so deserving, but NOW they decide to get their game together?
Sure, who would want to stand next to Brandon at the final two. Yes, wouldn't Jamie be the perfect one to be up against, but WHY do WE have to suffer the rest of the show watching Jamie and Bobby Jon butting heads and mouths? Ugh! And MAYBE Bobby Jon and Stephanie did deserve to have another go at "Survivor" but now Brandon has earned that right! Jeff, hear me loud and clear!!!

12:21 PM, November 04, 2005


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