This Blog will be a jumbled mess of my thoughts and experiences.

Monday, January 30, 2006

It's a banana!

Yesterday morning the fam had a nice big breakfast. Natalie, however, decided that she didn't want to eat much. So ok, fine, you can't make her eat. We had a 4 hour drive ahead of us and it was already 11:30. We got in the car and headed out. Well about an hour into the drive, guess who got hungry. In only took about 15 minutes of complaining until we stopped to get her something. We saw a Culvers and thought it would be a nice place to stop. We went in and she wanted a hot dog. We got a hot dog and a large soda. (Mom was thirsty too). Natalie wolfed down the hot dog like nothing, so we though we would get her something else too. I knew that Culvers sold Banana Splits, so I thought I would just get her a banana. I walked up to the counter and ask the lady if I could order just a banana. She said, "A banana what?". I said again, just a banana. She looked at me like I was nuts and then looked over her preprogrammed register for the banana only button. After she couldn't find it, she told me she would have to check. She brought back another lady and I asked that lady if I could order a banana. The new lady said, "A banana what?". I said again, J-u-s-t a b-a-n-a-n-a. She said, oh, Let me me check. Then the two of them got a third lady to come over and I asked her, "Can I just get a banana?" "Um, we have no way of doing that". So in the end, I had no banana. Apparently a keeping a customer is less important than a banana at Culvers.

Friday, January 20, 2006


Well, it felt like it anyway. 45 degrees can seem like shorts weather when you have been at 1 degree for 3 months. Thought it would be a good idea to test out the ol' two seater. I wasn't too sure if number 2 was ready to sit up in a stroller, but with the help of number 1, it seemed to work out pretty good. It only took about 4 or 5 blocks before they we both out. Still, we all enjoyed getting out of the house for a while. Only 2 more months to go and we should be able to come out of our hibernation.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Hot Sauce

I have always known about Tabasco sauce, but never really was a big fan of the hot sauce. Who wants to eat something that burns your mouth so bad that your eyes start to water and you pee yourself. Ok, so that never happened, but it would have been funny. Anyway, we had some Tabasco sauce laying around, so one day I just thought I would try it out on my pizza. I shook a little on and took a big ol' bite. Yes, it was hot. But, it turns out that I really like it. I've been adding it to a few things now including some eggs; not too bad. I have been sneaking some in my chili a teaspoon at a time everytime I make it. I want it to be just at the point where you can't taste it, but as you eat it, you can feel your body warming up. I'm almost there. Another recipe I made recently also used the red sauce. You should give it a try, not to bad. Here is the recipe:

1 Tbl Butter
1.5 Cups white rice
1 Onion chopped
1 Green Pepper chopped
2.75 cups Beef Broth
1 - 5 tsp Tabasco (Depending on how hot you want it)
1 lb of peeled and cooked shrimp
1 4oz can mushrooms
1.5 Tbl dried parsley
salt and pepper to taste

Melt the butter. Add rice, onion, and green pepper. Cook 2-3 minutes. Add broth, salt, pepper, and Tabasco, bring to a boil. Cover and simmer for 15minutes. Add shrimp, mushrooms, and parsley. Cook 5 more minutes.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Shopping Cart Thief

It was a dark and rainy night....just kidding. Actually, it was raining but it was during the day. Seemed like a nice day to do a little indoor shopping. Natalie and I went over to the Hobby Lobby just to look around. They have alot of stuff that I would never buy, but it is fun to look at and Natalie enjoys it too. As soon as we get into the store, she says to me she has to go potty. Bummer timing, this has to be the worst store to have to use the bathroom in. I don't know about other Hobby Lobby's, but ours is pretty big, about the size of a regular Walmart. The bathrooms are strategically placed in the opposite corner from the entrance. So, I grab a cart and put her in, knowing she would never make it if we walked, and we started weaving in and out of the potpourri. Finally we reach the far end of the store and park the cart. I get Natalie out and we walk into the bathroom to take care of everything. About 5 minutes later, once we emerged from the bathroom, we came out only to find some lazy basket weaver stole the cart. Who would steal from a 3 year old? What did they think when the cart was parked outside the bathroom, not really a cart return area!? So there we are stranded on the opposite end of the store again needing to walk all the back to the front to get a new cart. I hope who ever stole that cart spent hours never finding what they we looking for. Ha, ha, ha.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Crazy Companions

Every wonder what it would be like to have 250 pounds of silly puddy? Well, these guys at Google did. It all started with a small collection of puddy. A piece here, a piece there and soon this guy had a soft-ball size amount. Well, one day the rest of the staff thought it would be fun to play a joke on Mr. Puddy and they pooled their money and ordered a bulk amount of puddy. It came in 5 pound blocks, so they opened the 50 boxes and piled them all together on his desk. Pretty funny joke, but it kind of backfired. The puddy all fused together and they couldn't get it back apart. These four people spent the entire day pulling the puddy apart one small piece at a time. Does a 250 pound ball of silly puddy still bounce?