This Blog will be a jumbled mess of my thoughts and experiences.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Bad Driver

Not to generalize about bad drivers, but I recently saw the worst driver ever. I was pulling into my usual sandwich shop for lunch and parked the car. I then got to witness the funniest and at the same time the dumbest thing I have ever seen. The layout of the road and parking lot is your usual everyday setup. There is a road and a driveway. The driveway is outlined by a grass median to separate the drive from the parking spaces. At the end of the median the is a large decorative boulder. This signifies the end of the drive and allows you to drive around and park. Well, this lady starts to turn into the parking lot. Slowly she enters the drive and creeps here way into the parking lot. She then starts to turn, not noticing the boulder (did I mention it was a large boulder), and she cuts the corner too close and hops up on the curb of the median. Oops, ok, it has happened to all of us. Well, instead of backing up off the curb, or turning the other way to get off the curb, she guns it. Her car continues to move forward and she manages to get her car to straddle the large boulder. So now her car is sitting on this boulder which is right in the middle of he car. Maybe she thought it was an extra high curb, I don't know, but again she pushed on the gas again even though you can hear the car scraping the large boulder as she tries to get over it. As gasoline starts pouring out of her car, she somehow manages to get her car about half way over the large boulder, until finally she gets stuck as the car starts to teeter-totter on the rock. Yep, completely stuck. The police came along with the fire department, a flat bed, and a fork lift. They had to lift the car up off the large boulder and then onto the flat bed. Meanwhile the fire department dumps sand onto the pool of gasoline waiting to explode. At least she is off the road. Good news today though; I see they have solved the problem. There is now a tall red pipe sticking out of the ground next to the boulder to help people see then end of the median.


Blogger whitesky4 said...

This wouldn't have been a problem if she drove a Hummer!

6:27 PM, November 15, 2005

Blogger MarkIsces said...

yes, thats true. How old was she? I wonder if its time to get another eye exam. hehe too funny.

3:06 AM, November 16, 2005


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