This Blog will be a jumbled mess of my thoughts and experiences.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Bobby Jon's Final Words

Way to go Gary! That was so awesome when he pulled out the immunity idol. Good thing he decided not to save it for another day. How funny was that when they showed Judd wandering around looking up in the trees after he told everyone it was on the ground! He is going to be in trouble next week when everyone asks Gary where he found it. Judd shouldn't have lied.

Jamie made a nice gesture this week to try and make up for is mouthing off last week. I wonder if it is going to mean anything. I think that Rafe is right though, that Jamie may be loosing it. Gary told him he was going to vote with him for Bobby Jon and somehow Jamie thought that meant Gary was going to vote for him? Huh?

At the reward, as soon as I saw the beer come out for Judd, I knew that is what was going to make him sick. It was so funny, they found that stump (30 foot tree) and wanted to put it on the fire. Ha.

Only 4 more episodes left before the end of the season already!


Blogger whitesky4 said...

Yeah, what a stupid thing to lie about, sure to be caught which is an unnecessary risk. But who would have thought that Jamie would have a revelation!!! Although Survivor seems to bring that out in people. I'm not sure I am glad it was Gary who found it, but he'll get the pay-back for right out, saying at tribal council "No I havn't lied to anyone" HA!

7:17 PM, November 11, 2005


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