This Blog will be a jumbled mess of my thoughts and experiences.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Betrayal of the Six

Where do I even begin? Jamie really lost it! Everytime they would go to an "off camera" shot, they would talk about how the game is getting to Jamie and how paranoid he is. At the reward challenge he was shouting at his teammates to finish the challenge even though they already lost. That didn't win him any points. I think I do want Gary to win this season, so I was pretty nervous for him again. But with all the focus on how irrational Jamie was getting, I was calmed down a bit.

Judd was pretty funny at the challenge. He just sat there at the start of the challenge. Jeff shouted to everyone that Judd gave up, but he said he just couldn't figure it out? All they had to do is follow a rope. Not too tough. I was surprised that there was no talk about Judd lieing to everyone about where the idol was. Thats ok though, because he was blindsided at tribal council. His 4 other teammate in his alliance didn't tell him a thing about voting for Jamie. Very interesting:) We may see Judd's picture up next week.


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